银座山科 はなれ
银座山科 はなれ 与著名的 Honten Yamashina 相邻,并隐藏在其背后,其奢华低调的包间采用了引人注目的木制餐桌和雅致雕塑,感觉就像一个会员制烧肉俱乐部。
餐厅以烧肉兼怀石料理的方式供应各种奢华的牛肉:由专业厨师当着食客的面烹饪生牛肉,并直接从烤架上取下。珍稀的近江牛来自滋贺县,满 40 个月后才购买,超过了其他餐厅通常选择的 24 个月。因此,无论哪种切法,肉质都鲜嫩可口。摆盘精美的牛肉开胃菜烘托了气氛,而其他到店菜肴也吸引了人们的眼球:牛肉寿司、盐烤牛舌和冷面上的炖牛肉。肉排三明治--银座 Centre The Bakery 的牛奶面包夹着裹有面粉涂层的牛肉--既熟悉又高大上。
高级体验还体现在饮品搭配上。Petrus 和 Romanee-Conti 葡萄酒令人印象深刻,而令人艳羡的 Juyondai 和 Jikon 清酒系列,以及本店特制的 Hakurakusei Michiba Rokusaburo 则给人留下深刻印象。无烟烤炉确保您在享受美味烤肉的同时,衣服上不会沾上任何异味。
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥20,176 for a limited time only. It features some of the restaurant’s most popular dishes, such as various cuts of beef both seasoned with salt and dressed in sauce, Omi beef sukiyaki in an earthenware pot, and of course the restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥20,176 for a limited time only. It features some of the restaurant’s most popular dishes, such as various cuts of beef both seasoned with salt and dressed in sauce, Omi beef sukiyaki in an earthenware pot, and of course the restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥25,353 for a limited time only. Starting off with a “treasure box” of Omi beef sushi, it features other delectable cuts of beef like thick-cut salt-grilled tongue and yaki-suki, finishing off with the restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥25,353 for a limited time only. Starting off with a “treasure box” of Omi beef sushi, it features other delectable cuts of beef like thick-cut salt-grilled tongue and yaki-suki, finishing off with the restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥31,824 for a limited time only. It starts strong with a selection of Omi beef sashimi, and takes diners through a selection of fine cuts both salt-grilled and marinated in sauce, and of course features the restaurant’s famed wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥31,824 for a limited time only. It starts strong with a selection of Omi beef sashimi, and takes diners through a selection of fine cuts both salt-grilled and marinated in sauce, and of course features the restaurant’s famed wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥38,294 for a limited time only. Guests start off with Kobe beef nigiri-zushi and jump straight into thick-cut, salt-grilled beef tongue. The restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich aside, other highlights also include a luxurious one-two combination of Japanese spiny lobster grilled over charcoal and a sirloin steak of finely marbled Kobe beef.
A course at Ginza Yamashina Hanare with over 150 grams of beef, available at ¥3,000 off the original price of ¥38,294 for a limited time only. Guests start off with Kobe beef nigiri-zushi and jump straight into thick-cut, salt-grilled beef tongue. The restaurant’s signature wagyu tenderloin cutlet sandwich aside, other highlights also include a luxurious one-two combination of Japanese spiny lobster grilled over charcoal and a sirloin steak of finely marbled Kobe beef.
银座山科 はなれ 营业时间
银座山科 はなれ 地址
东京都中央区银座5-8-1 GINZA PLACE 11F
银座山科 はなれ 电话号码
银座山科 はなれ 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 2 天 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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Porto Faro Restaurant - 银座本店
行政主厨 Sou Hoshiai 精通铁板烧烤和传统意大利菜,令客人目不暇接。
Honten Yamashina
对于 Honten Yamashina 来说,耐心是一种美德--完美的铁板烧使用的是宫崎县产的近江牛肉,经过 40 个月的腌制。