Udatsu 壽司
※ 請注意,週三、週日和公共節假日,廚師 Udatsu 將不在餐廳。
此外,1 樓和 2 樓均設有櫃檯,但 Udatsu 主廚即使當天在工作,也不會親自在 2 樓櫃檯製作壽司,敬請諒解。
但這正是米其林星級餐廳 Udatsu Sushi(宇達壽司)所擅長的。店主 Udatsu Hisashi 在他的職業生涯之初,從不相信用香草烹飪,認爲香草太芳香,不符合他的口味。
一次對廣島梶谷農場(一家專門種植無農藥香草的農場)的訪問改變了他的想法。在那裏,Udatsu 廚師品嚐了一道用香草烹製的魚,這次經歷在他的腦海中開啓了烹飪的無限可能。"他回憶說:"從那以後,我就不認爲香草是'臭'的了。"從那時起,我就開始考慮用香草烹製時令魚"。
就這樣,他的招牌菜 "香草卷 "誕生了。"香草卷 "是一種製作精美的壽司卷,由海藻、魚肉和香草組成,中間通常還會優雅地插上一枝鮮花。作爲一道季節性菜餚,魚和香草的精確組合會隨着季節的變化而變化,前者是他每天早上從豐洲市場的供應商網絡中親自挑選的。
對細節的關注遠不止於魚。例如,餐廳的金光大米就來自東京的生產商,他們直接簽約爲餐廳製作大米。即使在收穫之後,大米也會被特別保存在經過嚴格控制的溼度和溫度下。然後用京都著名的 Iio Jozo 醋釀造廠生產的由三種大米混合而成的特製醋進行處理。壽司用鹿兒島縣產的淺草海藻包裹,然後蘸上餐廳特製的混合醬油,這種醬油混合了陳年米林、清酒以及東京近藤、和歌山堀川野村和絲島三鶴釀造廠生產的三種醬油。
壽司的每個組成部分都經過精心製作,其本身幾乎就是一件藝術品。因此,Udatsu Sushi 的核心主題是 "藝術 x 壽司",即在藝術畫廊內開設壽司店,也就不足爲奇了。
如果不是櫃檯上擺放着精美的壽司,這家中目黑餐廳幾乎會被誤認爲是一家當代藝術畫廊。餐廳的許多設計都借鑑了畫廊的風格,比如光禿禿的混凝土牆壁和簡單樸素的吉野柏櫃檯,使餐具更加引人注目。主廚 Udatsu 說:"壽司是廚師創作的藝術品,"他甚至用不同的盤子分別盛放夏季和冬季的壽司。
The premium lunch option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship.
The premium lunch option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship.
The standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price on Sundays and public holidays for the standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price on Sundays and public holidays for the standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price for Sundays and public holidays for the premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price for Sundays and public holidays for the premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Vegetarian sushi lovers rejoice. Chef Udatsu brings his innovative sushi-making techniques and ardent passion to an 18-course option of his vaunted sushi courses. ※ Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Vegetarian sushi lovers rejoice. Chef Udatsu brings his innovative sushi-making techniques and ardent passion to an 18-course option of his vaunted sushi courses. ※ Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Udatsu 壽司 營業時間
Udatsu 壽司 地址
153-0051 東京都目黑市上目黑 2 丁目 48-10
Udatsu 壽司 位置信息
Udatsu Sushi 位於東京地鐵中目黑站(Naka-meguro Station),步行 5 分鐘即可到達。
Udatsu 壽司 電話號碼
Udatsu 壽司 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
我們致力於儘可能準確地提供關於日本食品和旅遊業的最新信息。如果您發現任何不準確之處,請發送報告 。
Arai 壽司(東京銀座店)
在 Arai 壽司,你不僅能享受到對國外友人也非常友善的服務,還能體驗到經典壽司的大師級享受。