Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku
问问新宿 Shabushabu Okaka 的厨师就知道了,他们把鲣鱼干(katsuobushi)刨得非常薄,每片平均厚度只有 0.01 毫米。刨好的鲣鱼就在顾客的眼前以一种叫做 "oigatsuo "的表演形式加入到鱼汤中,几乎就像刚落下的雪一样立即溶解到汤中。
餐厅认为,时间就是一切:过早加入鲣鱼,味道就会流失。由于鲣鱼的加入时间较晚,鱼汤(本身就是海带、鲭鱼和鲣鱼的混合汤汁)的味道会更加浓郁。这与 Shabushabu Okaka 餐厅使用的源自鹿儿岛县的萨摩黑猪肉(黑猪肉)的肥美、近乎奶油的口感相得益彰。
An 8-course meal that includes unlimited wagyu and vegetables all-you-can-eat. The highlight of this course is the legendary wagyu boiled shabu-shabu-style in Okaka Shinjuku’s signature dashi broth. Several other dishes containing dashi, like steamed egg custard, let enthusiasts eat dashi to their heart’s content. Using bonito flakes sliced to a fraction of a millimeter thick, the broth is thoroughly suffused with rich bonito flavor, and lets guests experience dashi in ways never before thought...
An 8-course meal that includes unlimited wagyu and vegetables all-you-can-eat. The highlight of this course is the legendary wagyu boiled shabu-shabu-style in Okaka Shinjuku’s signature dashi broth. Several other dishes containing dashi, like steamed egg custard, let enthusiasts eat dashi to their heart’s content. Using bonito flakes sliced to a fraction of a millimeter thick, the broth is thoroughly suffused with rich bonito flavor, and lets guests experience dashi in ways never before thought...
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 营业时间
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 地址
160-0021 东京都新宿区歌舞伎町 1 丁目 16-3 新宿广场大厦 8F
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 电话号码
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 48 小时 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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