烤雞肉串 Ruike
西新宿 7 丁目被東京的夜貓子們稱爲「居酒屋戰場」。在距離新宿站和西新宿站僅幾分鐘車程的幾個街區內,聚集了衆多夜宵店,競爭十分激烈,只有那些食物最美味、酒水最好或理念最新穎的居酒屋才能生存下來。
但說到炭烤雞肉串,沒有人敢挑戰 Yakitori Ruike。儘管 2022 年纔開業,但 Ruike 已經憑藉其安靜、精緻的氛圍而聲名鵲起,與新宿大多數居酒屋的喧鬧嘈雜大相徑庭。店內燈光溫暖,充滿現代日式風格,爲食客在繁忙的工作之餘提供了一個安靜的用餐和飲酒空間。
更不用說這裏的食物質量了。Yakitori Ruike 對食材的質量毫不妥協,主要使用鳥取縣的大山雞和福島縣的伊達雞,這兩種雞都是以風味和口感聞名的肉雞品種。燒紅的賓草炭的高溫將雞肉的天然風味與華麗的外皮完美融合,每一口都酥脆多汁、風味十足。
招牌菜「雞心溢汁」和「入口即化的肝臟 」等有趣的字面名稱不言自明。作爲結束菜,套餐菜單上的客人可以選擇用五小時熬製的湯汁製作的自家拉麪,或使用櫪木縣奇和美玉子雞蛋製作的生雞蛋蓋飯。最後,賓客還可以品嚐新穎的甜點,如鹹味馬斯卡彭芝士冰淇淋。
The most popular course at Yakitori Ruike, the 10-Item Kushiyaki Course is guaranteed to satisfy, with a wide selection of carefully-selected chicken and vegetables, personally grilled over a charcoal fire by the chef. Guests have a choice of ramen noodles or tamago kake gohan (raw egg over rice) as a finisher. ※ Additional skewers can be added for an additional fee. Please inquire at the restaurant. Please note that the menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The most popular course at Yakitori Ruike, the 10-Item Kushiyaki Course is guaranteed to satisfy, with a wide selection of carefully-selected chicken and vegetables, personally grilled over a charcoal fire by the chef. Guests have a choice of ramen noodles or tamago kake gohan (raw egg over rice) as a finisher. ※ Additional skewers can be added for an additional fee. Please inquire at the restaurant. Please note that the menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The 8-Item Kushiyaki Course features a large selection of premium chicken and vegetable skewers, personally grilled over a charcoal fire by the chef. Guests have a choice of ramen noodles or tamago kake gohan (raw egg over rice) as a finisher. ※ Additional skewers can be added for an additional fee. Please inquire at the restaurant. Please note that the menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The 8-Item Kushiyaki Course features a large selection of premium chicken and vegetable skewers, personally grilled over a charcoal fire by the chef. Guests have a choice of ramen noodles or tamago kake gohan (raw egg over rice) as a finisher. ※ Additional skewers can be added for an additional fee. Please inquire at the restaurant. Please note that the menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
烤雞肉串 Ruike 營業時間
烤雞肉串 Ruike 地址
160-0023 東京都新宿區西新宿 7 丁目 15-6 KS SQUARE 1F
烤雞肉串 Ruike 電話號碼
烤雞肉串 Ruike 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 48 小時 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
10/10! Perfect ♥️
Amazing food by an amazing chef and team!!! Grilled to perfection with great sake pairings. Desert ice cream with olive oil and sweet sake topped a great night out.
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