Sushi Academy 新宿西口
位於東京黃金地段的新宿西口,Sushi Academy 使用鮭魚子、海膽和中脂金槍魚等奢華食材,讓您盡享價格實惠且品質卓越的正宗壽司。
在新宿西口的 Sushi Academy,您可以在兩個小時內品嚐超過 65 種經典日本料理,包括握壽司、軍艦壽司、卷壽司、小盤壽司和各式甜點。
儘管是壽司吃到飽套餐,品質卻絲毫不打折扣。菜單上還有鮪魚、鮭魚子和海膽等高級食材,讓這裡相較一般的任食壽司店更顯高檔。在 Sushi Academy,所有壽司均由專業職人現點現做。
作為一家適合家庭的餐廳,Sushi Academy 不僅為成人提供經濟實惠的壽司體驗,也適合全家享受美食樂趣。 7 至 12 歲的兒童可享折扣優惠,年齡較小的兒童享有更多折扣,3 歲及以下兒童則可免費用餐。
Sushi Academy 在東京各地設有分店,而新宿西口店是其中交通最為便捷的一家,位於新宿中心地帶,從西新宿站和新宿西口站步行即可到達,是品嚐價格實惠的高品質日式壽司的理想之選。
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 90-minute all-you-can-eat weekday lunch course, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 90-minute all-you-can-eat weekday lunch course, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s special lunch course to celebrate the end of the year, giving guests a choice of 65 different types of sushi and small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s special lunch course to celebrate the end of the year, giving guests a choice of 65 different types of sushi and small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 90-minute all-you-can-eat lunch course on weekends and public holidays, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 90-minute all-you-can-eat lunch course on weekends and public holidays, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s special dinner course to celebrate the end of the year, giving guests a choice of 65 different types of sushi and small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s special dinner course to celebrate the end of the year, giving guests a choice of 65 different types of sushi and small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 120-minute all-you-can-eat dinner course, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi’s 120-minute all-you-can-eat dinner course, featuring over 65 different sushi types and varieties of small plates. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
The all-you-can-eat option for diners between seven to 12 years old, lasting 90 minutes for lunch and 120 minutes for dinner. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
The all-you-can-eat option for diners between seven to 12 years old, lasting 90 minutes for lunch and 120 minutes for dinner. ※ Please note that last order is 30 minutes before the end of the meal.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi offers a supremely affordable all-you-can-eat course for diners aged six and under, lasting 90 minutes during lunch and 120 minutes during dinner. The perfect option for families with young guests.
Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi offers a supremely affordable all-you-can-eat course for diners aged six and under, lasting 90 minutes during lunch and 120 minutes during dinner. The perfect option for families with young guests.
Sushi Academy 新宿西口 備註
在 Sushi Academy Shinjuku Nishiguchi 用餐,3 歲及以下兒童免費。有 3 歲及以下成員的客人無需預訂,但請在備註欄中告知禮賓部成員人數。
對於 4 至 12 歲的兒童,請客人選擇相應的套餐菜單選項。
Sushi Academy 新宿西口 營業時間
Sushi Academy 新宿西口 地址
160-0023 東京都新宿區西新宿 7-14-6 西新宿第二高橋大樓 2F
Sushi Academy 新宿西口 電話號碼
Sushi Academy 新宿西口 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
我們致力於儘可能準確地提供關於日本食品和旅遊業的最新信息。如果您發現任何不準確之處,請發送報告 。
麻布壽司店 心
作為"育成壽司"的鼻祖,主廚 Michimasa Nakamura 親自為這家南麻布店供應的每一條魚進行熟成處理。他獨特的熟成過程為麻布壽司店 心的壽司增添了獨特的味道和口感。