正是這種民藝精神推動着八雲長流川餐廳的發展。餐廳樸素的白色外觀掩蓋了其精美的內部裝飾,其中充滿了傳統的日式裝置,如 noren 窗簾和 shoji 推拉門,以及深色木質傢俱。明治時期的藝術品,包括傳統陶瓷和繪畫,被擺放在臺座上或懸掛在牆壁上,顯得格外有品位。
熟悉日本料理的人可能對這家餐廳的招牌菜並不陌生,但它的名字卻大相徑庭:雖然與涮涮鍋如出一轍,但在八雲卻被稱爲 "涮鍋"(susugi-nabe),字面意思是 "洗淨的火鍋"。儘管八雲是全美最早提供涮涮鍋的餐廳之一,但當涮涮鍋這個詞被註冊爲商標後,八雲不得不想出一個替代詞--"susugi-nabe "由此誕生,源自將肉類和蔬菜放入湯中涮煮的 "漂洗 "動作。
八雲的 "鮨鍋 "中的薄片肉來自日本最好的品牌牛肉。這些肉片最適合搭配餐廳的招牌醬汁享用,醬汁由多種祕製配料製成,然後混合在一起陳釀三天,使味道更加濃郁。
Find out where it all began. The “susugi-nabe” shabu-shabu course is the signature course at Yagumo Nagarekawa, and uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. Enjoy it with a special sesame and walnut sauce or ponzu. The course includes appetizers and dessert for a complete meal.
Find out where it all began. The “susugi-nabe” shabu-shabu course is the signature course at Yagumo Nagarekawa, and uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. Enjoy it with a special sesame and walnut sauce or ponzu. The course includes appetizers and dessert for a complete meal.
Yakumo Nagarekawa’s elevated shabu shabu course. A kimono-clad staff member prepares shabu-shabu at the table, dipping thinly sliced wagyu into hot broth for a few seconds to create tender, flavorful meat. Enjoy it with a special sesame and walnut sauce or ponzu. The course includes appetizers through to dessert and features an added lobster tempura for an extra touch of luxury.
Yakumo Nagarekawa’s elevated shabu shabu course. A kimono-clad staff member prepares shabu-shabu at the table, dipping thinly sliced wagyu into hot broth for a few seconds to create tender, flavorful meat. Enjoy it with a special sesame and walnut sauce or ponzu. The course includes appetizers through to dessert and features an added lobster tempura for an extra touch of luxury.
While susugi-nabe is the signature course at Yagumo Nagarekawa, the restaurant's sukiyaki options are also wildly popular with guests. As with the restaurant's susugi-nabe, the sukiyaki option at Yagumo Nagarekawa uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. As is customary for sukiyaki, it's best enjoyed dipped in raw egg.
While susugi-nabe is the signature course at Yagumo Nagarekawa, the restaurant's sukiyaki options are also wildly popular with guests. As with the restaurant's susugi-nabe, the sukiyaki option at Yagumo Nagarekawa uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. As is customary for sukiyaki, it's best enjoyed dipped in raw egg.
The restaurant’s signature sukiyaki course, enhanced with lobster tempura, offers a refined dining experience. A kimono-clad staff member prepares the sukiyaki tableside, simmering thinly sliced wagyu, fresh vegetables, tofu, and udon in a rich, sweet-savory sauce. This complete course includes everything from appetizers to dessert.
The restaurant’s signature sukiyaki course, enhanced with lobster tempura, offers a refined dining experience. A kimono-clad staff member prepares the sukiyaki tableside, simmering thinly sliced wagyu, fresh vegetables, tofu, and udon in a rich, sweet-savory sauce. This complete course includes everything from appetizers to dessert.
八雲流川店 營業時間
八雲流川店 地址
730-0028 廣島縣廣島市中區流川町1丁目24
八雲流川店 電話號碼
八雲流川店 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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Shabu-Shabu Tsukada 澀谷 Scramble Square
Shabu Shabu "Let Us" Shibuya Center Gai
盡情享受獨特的涮涮鍋體驗。用 8 種湯和 29 種令人垂涎欲滴的醬料打造屬於自己的火鍋冒險,享受個性化的盛宴。
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku
在最後一秒加入厚度僅爲幾毫米的鰹魚片,Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 特製的魚湯就會迸發出鮮亮的味道,與奶油黑豚涮肉完美搭配。