水族館餐飲 Ryuduki
從您踏入餐廳的那一刻起,這裏的一切都已準備就緒:一條由鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物和懸掛式板條木質天花板構成的木質走道將您引向三個用餐空間。一個以水族館爲靈感的房間沐浴在柔和的藍光中,伴着舒緩的瀑布聲,高靠背的弧形沙發座椅讓人倍感私密,空氣中瀰漫着浪漫的氣息。在另一個角落,以中世紀爲主題的悶熱空間裏擺放着低矮的沙發,壁爐散發出溫暖的光芒,營造出舒適的氛圍。此外,還有 11 間度假村風格的包房,大理石餐桌和炭灰色調的裝飾,爲獨家晚宴提供了更安靜、更精緻的環境。
Enjoy a romantic dinner course designed for dates, set in the serene ambiance of Ryuduki. Begin with appetizers, followed by a seasonal pottage, a choice of fish and meat dishes and finish with a delightful dessert. The course includes a half-bottle of champagne. ※ This course is reservable for 2 guests.
Enjoy a romantic dinner course designed for dates, set in the serene ambiance of Ryuduki. Begin with appetizers, followed by a seasonal pottage, a choice of fish and meat dishes and finish with a delightful dessert. The course includes a half-bottle of champagne. ※ This course is reservable for 2 guests.
水族館餐飲 Ryuduki 營業時間
水族館餐飲 Ryuduki 地址
東京都墨田区江東橋4-25-5 SUZUKI BUILDING 5F
水族館餐飲 Ryuduki 電話號碼
水族館餐飲 Ryuduki 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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