Nikutei Futago iki 本鄉三丁目店
Nikutei Futago 系列餐廳是東京燒肉界的璀璨明星,以其眾多分店和卓越口碑而聞名。
餐廳的理念是將 iki 的藝術融入用餐體驗,體現生活的精緻與優雅。這裡的每一處細節,從熱情周到的服務到低調時尚的裝潢,都讓人倍感愉悅。而精心策劃的菜單更是使用了來自全國頂級供應商的精選和牛,帶來無與倫比的美食體驗。
Nikutei Futago 致力於為每位顧客提供愉悅的用餐體驗。您可以選擇在私人用餐區、獨立區域或寬敞的大型餐廳內享受美食。菜單提供超過 80 種不同的菜餚,滿足各種口味需求。
此外,Nikutei Futago iki 的另一大魅力在於貼心的服務。工作人員將為您精心烤製每一塊肉,讓您不必擔心烤焦昂貴的肉塊。您只需專注於享受與同伴的美好時光,其他的就交給專業的餐廳工作人員。體驗一次真正無憂無慮的美食之旅!即刻預約,開啟這一段難忘的味覺盛宴!
A course menu that features some of Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome’s favorite menu items, with halal Kurohana beef loin from Kumamoto Prefecture as the centerpiece. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
A course menu that features some of Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome’s favorite menu items, with halal Kurohana beef loin from Kumamoto Prefecture as the centerpiece. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
A course menu that features some of Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome’s favorite menu items, with a halal Kurohana beef filet steak from Kumamoto Prefecture as the centerpiece. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
A course menu that features some of Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome’s favorite menu items, with a halal Kurohana beef filet steak from Kumamoto Prefecture as the centerpiece. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
One of the higher-end courses at Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome, which features halal Kurohana beef sirloin from Kumamoto Prefecture as the highlight. It’s grilled katamari-yaki style as a whole block of meat, forming a beautiful crust on the outside and keeping the juices sealed within. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the cour...
One of the higher-end courses at Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome, which features halal Kurohana beef sirloin from Kumamoto Prefecture as the highlight. It’s grilled katamari-yaki style as a whole block of meat, forming a beautiful crust on the outside and keeping the juices sealed within. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the cour...
The highest-end course at Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome, which features halal Kurohana beef chateaubriand — the choicest possible cut of beef — from Kumamoto Prefecture, mouth-meltingly soft. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
The highest-end course at Nikutei Futago iki Hongo Sanchome, which features halal Kurohana beef chateaubriand — the choicest possible cut of beef — from Kumamoto Prefecture, mouth-meltingly soft. Every course will be personally grilled by one of the restaurant’s staff, letting guests focus on the company at hand, and making it perfect for special occasions and celebrations. ※ Please note that the course content is subject to change, and that guests are unable to choose their seats.
Nikutei Futago iki 本鄉三丁目店 營業時間
Nikutei Futago iki 本鄉三丁目店 地址
133-0033 東京都文京區本鄉 5 丁目 24-7 PROUD TOWER 本鄉東大前 1F
Nikutei Futago iki 本鄉三丁目店 電話號碼
Nikutei Futago iki 本鄉三丁目店 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 1 個月 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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