Sumiyaki Unafuji Daimaru Kyoto Bettei
短短 25 年間,這家鰻魚餐廳已躋身《米其林指南》和 Tabelog 評選的愛知縣百佳餐廳之列。
他幾乎立刻遞交了辭呈,並將在日本全國傳播鰻魚的福音作爲自己的使命。二十多年來,他在多家鰻魚特色餐廳接受培訓,終於在 1995 年創辦了自己的 Unafuji 餐廳。
愛知縣是日本的鰻魚聖地之一,許多餐館都擁有一個多世紀的鰻魚製作經驗和歷史。然而,在短短 25 年的時間裏,UNAFUJI 就成功躋身《米其林指南》和《Tabelog》百強餐廳之列,這一前所未有的成就至今無人能及。
Unafuji 的成功使其分店如雨後春筍般遍佈日本各地,最新的分店位於京都大丸大廈內。雖然這可能是該餐廳在京都的第一家分店,但它的味道仍然具有鮮明的愛知縣特色。主廚水野只從遍佈日本各地的獨家供應商那裏直接採購超大、超肥的 "藍鰻魚 "亞種。他的挑選過程非常嚴格,即使是在這種極高品質的捕獲物中,也只有 20% 的鰻魚能通過審覈。
然後,先將鰻魚剖腹,以便乾淨利落地取出肝臟,再將肝臟用於製作餐廳的一些招牌菜,如 unagi don(鰻魚蓋飯)和 hitsu-mabushi(鰻魚蓋飯配其他佐料和魚湯)。鰻魚肉在超過 1000 攝氏度的炭火上烤制,脂肪的香味會被烤得又脆又美。
不過,UNAFUJI 的成功祕訣同樣要歸功於它的醬汁。Mizuno 廚師在全國各地尋找完美的醬汁,他仔細分析了各縣最好的鰻魚專家的鹽和糖含量。這就是宇奈萩自家醬汁中鹹味和甜味的完美比例--這是他將帶入墳墓的嚴密祕密。
A course menu guaranteed to satisfy, featuring a choice between two of Unafuji’s most famous dishes, the unagi don (eel over rice) and hitsumabushi. Hitsumabushi is a bowl of eel and rice eaten four ways: first as it is, then with the provided condiments, such as spring onion, wasabi and shredded roasted seaweed. The third serving is doused with tea or dashi broth. The remainder of the rice is left to the individual diner’s liking.
A course menu guaranteed to satisfy, featuring a choice between two of Unafuji’s most famous dishes, the unagi don (eel over rice) and hitsumabushi. Hitsumabushi is a bowl of eel and rice eaten four ways: first as it is, then with the provided condiments, such as spring onion, wasabi and shredded roasted seaweed. The third serving is doused with tea or dashi broth. The remainder of the rice is left to the individual diner’s liking.
A course menu guaranteed to satisfy, featuring a Nagoya specialty and a famous dish from Unafuji, hitsumabushi. Hitsumabushi is a bowl of eel and rice eaten four different ways: first as it is, then with the provided condiments, such as spring onion, wasabi and shredded roasted seaweed. The third serving is doused with tea or dashi broth. The remainder of the rice is left to the individual diner’s liking.
A course menu guaranteed to satisfy, featuring a Nagoya specialty and a famous dish from Unafuji, hitsumabushi. Hitsumabushi is a bowl of eel and rice eaten four different ways: first as it is, then with the provided condiments, such as spring onion, wasabi and shredded roasted seaweed. The third serving is doused with tea or dashi broth. The remainder of the rice is left to the individual diner’s liking.
A course menu that features one of the most luxurious ways to eat eel: nagayaki, a whole grilled eel.
A course menu that features one of the most luxurious ways to eat eel: nagayaki, a whole grilled eel.
Sumiyaki Unafuji Daimaru Kyoto Bettei 營業時間
Sumiyaki Unafuji Daimaru Kyoto Bettei 地址
600-8511 京都府京都市下京區立売西町79番地
Sumiyaki Unafuji Daimaru Kyoto Bettei 電話號碼
Sumiyaki Unafuji Daimaru Kyoto Bettei 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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