拥有 50 年历史的 Inasa 将广岛特产沙丁鱼加工成美味的汉堡肉饼。
在濑户内海平静的水域中,有一群银色的沙丁鱼,被称为 "Ko-wiashi",近乎无声地滑翔着。这些鱼正是广岛的宠儿,每天早晨从船上围网捕获,然后从市场运到位于广岛城附近的一家有 50 年历史的餐厅 Inasa。在餐厅的厨房里,沙丁鱼被开膛破肚,与新鲜的葱花和紫苏叶一起折叠成饼,然后烤制成该品牌的主打产品:沙丁鱼汉堡包。
A well-valued lunch course that includes sashimi and the restaurant’s most popular small sardine hamburger steak.
A well-valued lunch course that includes sashimi and the restaurant’s most popular small sardine hamburger steak.
Inasa’s popular course highlights Hiroshima's seafood and mountain delicacies. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Inasa’s popular course highlights Hiroshima's seafood and mountain delicacies. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Enjoy Inasa’s popular course in a traditional tatami room. The menu highlights Hiroshima's seafood and mountain delicacies. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Enjoy Inasa’s popular course in a traditional tatami room. The menu highlights Hiroshima's seafood and mountain delicacies. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Inasa’s take on traditional cuisine, the kaiseki, is done creatively and with proper respect to Hiroshima, one of Japan’s leading sake producers. The course features the prefecture’s proud wagyu beef and sake. The dessert is paired with two recommended sake.
Inasa’s take on traditional cuisine, the kaiseki, is done creatively and with proper respect to Hiroshima, one of Japan’s leading sake producers. The course features the prefecture’s proud wagyu beef and sake. The dessert is paired with two recommended sake.
A byFood-exclusive premium kaiseki course, enjoyed in a traditional tatami room, showcases Inasa’s creative take on Hiroshima’s finest offerings. The menu features the prefecture’s wagyu beef and sake, with Hiroshima being one of Japan’s top three sake producers.
A byFood-exclusive premium kaiseki course, enjoyed in a traditional tatami room, showcases Inasa’s creative take on Hiroshima’s finest offerings. The menu features the prefecture’s wagyu beef and sake, with Hiroshima being one of Japan’s top three sake producers.
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Yakumo Nagarekawa