世世代代的家庭一次又一次地回到 Chunagon,用豪華的龍蝦盛宴來慶祝重要的里程碑。
Chunagon 由堤誠一創立於 1974 年,其名稱源於對平安時代書籍《堤 Chunagon Monogatari》的象徵性致敬。經過幾十年的發展,Chunagon 已擁有五家備受推崇的餐廳,但其烹飪技藝仍然圍繞着一樣東西:龍蝦。
Chunagon 美食的核心在於幾乎每天都有新鮮的日本刺龍蝦運抵,在日本,刺龍蝦是象徵長壽和成功的海鮮珍品。這些貝類儲存在店內的水族箱中,只有在可以食用時纔會被取出。
龍蝦的做法千奇百怪,有生魚片、水煮、清蒸,還有用香脆的薄脆幹煎。餐廳特製的沙拉由鮮嫩的水煮龍蝦和米味噌製成的特製沙拉醬組成。生魚片則是用冰鎮清酒清洗貝類,以增強其口感並突出其甜味。最值得注意的是,食客們等待的是被稱爲 "臭燒 "的現場燒烤奇觀,龍蝦在他們面前準備就緒並新鮮烹製。
Enjoy an all-lobster affair in Chunagon’s “Takarabune” course. The luxurious shellfish is present in almost every dish, including the Chunagon-style salad featuring boiled lobsterand the ‘live’ lobster sashimi, which is served fresh from the aquarium. The ‘odoriyaki’, where the crustacean is cut and grilled right in front of you, seals the experience.
Enjoy an all-lobster affair in Chunagon’s “Takarabune” course. The luxurious shellfish is present in almost every dish, including the Chunagon-style salad featuring boiled lobsterand the ‘live’ lobster sashimi, which is served fresh from the aquarium. The ‘odoriyaki’, where the crustacean is cut and grilled right in front of you, seals the experience.
Elevate the lobster-centric dining experience with the exclusive addition of stone-grilled Japanese beef. The course begins with an appetizer featuring the restaurant-special lobster salad, complemented by the special dressing. Indulge in the grilled half-lobster, cooked with the signature special sauce.
Elevate the lobster-centric dining experience with the exclusive addition of stone-grilled Japanese beef. The course begins with an appetizer featuring the restaurant-special lobster salad, complemented by the special dressing. Indulge in the grilled half-lobster, cooked with the signature special sauce.
A satisfying course that starts and progresses with lobster. Seasonal appetizers makes way for the Chunagon-style salad: boiled lobster dressed with the restaurant's miso-base dressing. A palate cleanser is needed before the main attraction: an exquisite half-a-lobster grilled with the restauran’ts special sauce.
A satisfying course that starts and progresses with lobster. Seasonal appetizers makes way for the Chunagon-style salad: boiled lobster dressed with the restaurant's miso-base dressing. A palate cleanser is needed before the main attraction: an exquisite half-a-lobster grilled with the restauran’ts special sauce.
神戶三宮 備註
請根據您的團隊人數預訂本道菜餚。本套餐最少需預訂 2 人。
神戶三宮 營業時間
神戶三宮 地址
650-0021 兵庫縣神戶市中央區三之宮町 1-10-1 神戶交通中心大樓 9 層
神戶三宮 位置信息
Chunagon Kobe Sannomiya 距離 Sannomia Station(西出口)有 1 分鐘步行路程。
神戶三宮 電話號碼
神戶三宮 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
我們致力於儘可能準確地提供關於日本食品和旅遊業的最新信息。如果您發現任何不準確之處,請發送報告 。
中納言 神戶 臨海樂園店
無論是白天充滿樂趣的探險,還是晚上從神戶港灣(Kobe Harborland)的寧靜中逃離,Chunagon 都會爲您帶來難忘的用餐體驗,而這一切都離不開一個主題:龍蝦。
Torafugu-tei 银座
這家虎河豚專賣店從長崎漁場運來河豚的時間不到 15 個小時,據說這裏的河豚非常新鮮,在盤子裏還能繼續遊動。您可以用油炸、水煮或生喫等多種方式品嚐河豚。
玄品 銀座一丁目
從大阪藤井寺一家不起眼的小店起步,這家河豚專賣店如今已在日本全國各地開設了 70 多家分店。每天,廚師們都要將這種著名的毒魚烹製成美味佳餚,如河豚火鍋。
Miyawaki Bettei 河豚俱樂部
最美味的河豚料理,Miyawaki Bettei 河豚俱樂部提供多道創意美味河豚料理,您可以在美麗的古民居風格房間裡享用這道美食。