Whetstone Surface Fixer

Producer: Nigata Niniwa
ID: 155
Whetstone maintenance tool to improve sharpening performance for even better knives.
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Your whetstone keeps your knives sharp and clean, but are you taking care of your whetstones properly as well? This whetstone surface fixer stone keeps the surface of your whetstones ready for sharpening and is easy to use for daily upkeep. Surface fixers sluff off built-up microparticles left behind by sharpening and resurfacing your whetstone for improved grinding performance.
Technical Details
  • Product weight: 575 gr
  • Product height: 30 cm
  • Product width: 60 cm
  • Product length: 130 cm
Whetstone Surface Fixer is produced in Niigata prefecture.
Nigata Niniwa
Niigata Prefecture
Hailing from Niigata prefecture, Naniwa is a general sales and wholesale manufacturer of not only whetstones, but grinding wheels, abrasives, blasting products and diamond tools. Offering a variety of products with a specialty in manufacturing and subtractive properties, you can feel confident in Naniwa's craftsmanship and quality. The company promises an excellent experience from order through the lifetime of the product and has confidence in their expertise.
Through byFood, Naniwa offers a variety of useful man-made whetstones and accessories, from rough to finishing grits. Naniwa's whetstones offer an excellent and easy sharpening experience for professional chefs, with performance you can rely on.