标题 H
Title H 采用 A5 级萨摩和牛以及通过道德途径获取的虾夷鹿肉,其唯一目标就是最大限度地发挥每种食材的风味。
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很少有人比主厨铃木裕太更熟悉法国菜,他曾在日本最著名的法国餐厅(如 Le Pont de Ciel 和 Crear Bacchus)中获得米其林星级。
他的专业技能只有成田丰可以与之媲美,成田丰甚至将巴黎烹饪巨头 Passage 53 和 Jean-Francois Pierre 的 Le Grand Restaurant 餐厅的厨房当成了自己的家。
他们共同创建 Title H 的初衷是让更多人能够品尝到创新菜肴。菜单以肉类和火锅为主,他们对法国美食的百科全书式的了解,与他们对新鲜、可持续的优质食材的共同追求相辅相成。
例如,为了减少对环境的影响,餐厅的夷藏鹿肉直接来自北海道的猎人。Title H 餐厅专用的 A5 级萨摩 "Kiwami "和牛也来自鹿儿岛南萨摩山谷的山坡。萨摩和牛由 12 个牧场主组成的专家小组饲养,不仅因其风味和口感而闻名,还因其牧场主致力于动物福利和可持续发展的小规模合作农业而闻名。
Chef Narita’s connections allow him access to some of the finest cuts of kuroge wagyu black beef from all over Japan — and it’s this beef that is served to the customer in this course menu, roasted to perfection over extremely high-temperature straw in a traditional manner.
Chef Narita’s connections allow him access to some of the finest cuts of kuroge wagyu black beef from all over Japan — and it’s this beef that is served to the customer in this course menu, roasted to perfection over extremely high-temperature straw in a traditional manner.
The centerpiece of this course is a cut of probably Japan’s most famous wagyu beef, Kobe beef, roasted in a traditional way over extremely high-temperature straw, giving it a beautiful crust and smoky aroma.
The centerpiece of this course is a cut of probably Japan’s most famous wagyu beef, Kobe beef, roasted in a traditional way over extremely high-temperature straw, giving it a beautiful crust and smoky aroma.
标题 H 营业时间
标题 H 地址
106-0044 东京都港区东薮 2 丁目 20-3 AZABEE TERRACE B1F
标题 H 位置信息
从赤羽桥站步行 3 分钟即可到达 Title H,从麻布十番站步行 7 分钟即可到达。
标题 H 电话号码
标题 H 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 1 周 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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