祇园松田屋位于祇园花见小路,以江户前寿司为招牌料理,同时提供多样化的寿司选择。餐厅老板 Matsuda Kazunori 积累了丰富的经验,曾在东京深造传统寿司制作工艺,并从纽约等地的旅行中汲取了宝贵的灵感。
祇园松田屋的 omakase 菜单始终保持新鲜。每天早上,主厨亲自前往当地市场挑选最优质的食材。他运用传统技法巧妙烹制这些食材,比如用醋浸泡鰶鱼,用芥末装点腌渍金枪鱼握寿司。幸运的话,您还能尝到金枪鱼生鱼片、腌渍金枪鱼和鳗鱼握寿司等受欢迎的菜肴。
2021 - 米其林一星
店主推荐的犹太教菜肴。三道开胃菜和一系列时令鱼类,包括海鲜、蒸鱼和烤鱼,放在红醋米饭上。 本套餐仅适用于晚上 8:00 的预订时段。不能食用酱油或鱼类的客人请不要预订本套餐。餐厅使用的酱油不符合犹太教教规。餐厅的所有菜肴均使用非犹太厨具烹制。
店主推荐的犹太教菜肴。三道开胃菜和一系列时令鱼类,包括海鲜、蒸鱼和烤鱼,放在红醋米饭上。 本套餐仅适用于晚上 8:00 的预订时段。不能食用酱油或鱼类的客人请不要预订本套餐。餐厅使用的酱油不符合犹太教教规。餐厅的所有菜肴均使用非犹太厨具烹制。
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. On top of this, guests can enjoy a series of tea pairings specially chosen by the chef to match each dish. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. On top of this, guests can enjoy a series of tea pairings specially chosen by the chef to match each dish. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. On top of this, guests can enjoy a series of sake pairings — some of them extremely rare — specially chosen by the chef to match each dish. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
The owner-chef’s personal recommendation. Luxuriate in three types of appetizers and an array of seasonal fish—seared, steamed and grilled—laid atop red-vinegared rice, nigiri-style. On top of this, guests can enjoy a series of sake pairings — some of them extremely rare — specially chosen by the chef to match each dish. ※ Guests unable to consume soy sauce or fish are requested to refrain from booking this course.
祇园松田屋 营业时间
祇园松田屋 地址
605-0074 京都市东山区南川祇园町 570-123
祇园松田屋 电话号码
祇园松田屋 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 1 周 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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