Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Maroniegetoginza1分店
Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Marronnier Gate 銀座店是一家广受欢迎的名古屋鳗鱼料理餐厅,以其别具一格的烤鳗鱼而闻名于东京。餐厅位于繁华的银座Marronnier Gate大厦内,紧邻有乐町车站,交通非常便利,吸引了来自世界各地的美食爱好者。
餐厅内的环境现代而温馨,以开放式的用餐区和私密的单独桌位设计,无论是家庭聚餐还是个人独享,都能用餐愉悦。除了食物的精致,服务也极为周到,服务生会耐心地为每位客人讲解鳗鱼饭的吃法和搭配建议,让顾客有宾至如归的感受。Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho 可谓是体验正宗日式鳗鱼料理的首选之地,是东京美食之旅的必访餐厅之一。
The Aoi Course is the standard course at Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho, featuring eel in a bevy of different forms, from pickled, to deep-fried crackers, to of course the centerpiece of the whole course: the hitsumabushi, or eel over rice, served three different ways.
The Aoi Course is the standard course at Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho, featuring eel in a bevy of different forms, from pickled, to deep-fried crackers, to of course the centerpiece of the whole course: the hitsumabushi, or eel over rice, served three different ways.
This course improves upon the Aoi Course with the addition of two key dishes: the nagayaki, a large fillet of eel glazed with sweet sauce, and the kani-miso tofu, which is tofu served with wonderfully umami crab innards.
This course improves upon the Aoi Course with the addition of two key dishes: the nagayaki, a large fillet of eel glazed with sweet sauce, and the kani-miso tofu, which is tofu served with wonderfully umami crab innards.
Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Maroniegetoginza1分店 营业时间
Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Maroniegetoginza1分店 地址
104-0061 东京都中央区银座2-2-14 Marronnier Gate Ginza 1 12楼
Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Maroniegetoginza1分店 电话号码
Hitsumabushi Nagoya Bincho Maroniegetoginza1分店 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 72 小时 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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Nyorosuke Roppongi
在 Nyorosuke,您可以品尝到正宗的关西风味炭烤鳗鱼料理,如烤鳗鱼串、鳗重和鳗鱼盖饭。与大多数东京风格的鳗鱼餐厅不同,这里的鳗鱼不经过蒸煮,因此味道鲜美!