江戸前炭火燒 kemuri 神樂坂
江戸前炭火焼 kemuri 神楽坂是一家特色炭烤餐廳,專門選用岩手縣內產的原木生產的黑炭進行烹飪。這種獨特的烹飪方式能夠使水分散去,使食材散發出最純正的味道,同時通過煙熏提升食材的口感,令食物外皮酥脆,內裡柔軟多汁。
餐廳的手工自製鹽主要選用石川縣能登半島海鹽。海鹽採取揚濱式製鹽法,該方法是源自於江戶時代的灑水製鹽法,迄今已有超過 400 年的歷史。
餐廳自豪地將其菜餚定義為 "江戶前風格",以向江戶前壽司的精心製作致敬。在這裡,品味最優質的嚴選食材,享受獨特而精緻的美食體驗。
Indulge in irori-yaki, a style of charcoal-grilling over the traditional Japanese sunken hearth. This kaiseki course is centered around the irori (fire pit). Carefully-sourced domestic vegetables, seafood, and meat are all cooked over the hearth. Even an irori-grilled banana, beautifully caramelized, features alongside gelato as a dessert. Come celebrate a premium kaiseki, ideal for special occasions or an anytime-treat.
Indulge in irori-yaki, a style of charcoal-grilling over the traditional Japanese sunken hearth. This kaiseki course is centered around the irori (fire pit). Carefully-sourced domestic vegetables, seafood, and meat are all cooked over the hearth. Even an irori-grilled banana, beautifully caramelized, features alongside gelato as a dessert. Come celebrate a premium kaiseki, ideal for special occasions or an anytime-treat.
江戸前炭火燒 kemuri 神樂坂 營業時間
江戸前炭火燒 kemuri 神樂坂 地址
162-0827 東京都新宿區若宮町 10 Plaire-Gagurazaka B1F
江戸前炭火燒 kemuri 神樂坂 電話號碼
江戸前炭火燒 kemuri 神樂坂 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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