寿司 Tatsumi
主厨 Matsuhata Taminobu 将每一份寿司都视为独立的美味。如果说诗人威廉-布莱克从一粒沙子中看到了世界,那么松畠厨师则从一贯寿司中看到了世界。他将 "食物 "和 "烹饪"区分开来:食物只是可食用的东西。而烹饪则是看到食物的潜力,并将其味道和美味激发出来。
因此,以让食客满意为使命,Matsuhata 厨师在福冈的餐厅开始了他的"创意寿司"之旅。他借鉴了日本国内外的多种烹饪流派,创作出了只属于寿司 Tatsumi 的特色料理。
The standard course at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes, carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The standard course at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes, carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A more premium course at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes — with the centerpiece being seasonal fish — carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A more premium course at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes — with the centerpiece being seasonal fish — carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The most luxurious course menu option at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes — with the highlight being live-filleted squid — carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the minimum order for this course is for two diners. The exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The most luxurious course menu option at Tatsumi Sushi, featuring a large selection of beautifully presented dishes — with the highlight being live-filleted squid — carefully plated with the chef’s trademark attention to detail. ※ Please note that the minimum order for this course is for two diners. The exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
寿司 Tatsumi 营业时间
寿司 Tatsumi 地址
812-0027 福冈市博多区下川畑町 8-5
寿司 Tatsumi 电话号码
寿司 Tatsumi 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 2 天 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
福冈是日本新兴的美食之都,在 2014 年的《米其林指南》中被列入地图,此后一直备受关注。在福冈旅行期间,您可以漫游福冈的食品市场,在博多豚骨拉面的发源地品尝正宗的博多豚骨拉面,还可以在雅泰街头小吃摊上大饱口福!
我们致力于尽可能准确地提供关于日本食品和旅游业的最新信息。如果您发现任何不准确之处,请发送报告 。
寿司 Tomo