在 Merino 餐厅围着火锅,亲身体验涮涮锅美食。Merino 专营羊肉和牛舌涮涮锅,其座右铭是 "吃出美味,吃出美丽,吃出健康!"。他们列举了这些蛋白质来源的好处,比如牛舌含有丰富的维生素 B1 和铁,这对女性健康尤为重要。
除了涮涮锅,还有北海道当地的特色菜--烤羊肉。不过,Merino 最值得推荐的还是羊舌和牛舌涮涮锅套餐。薄薄的羊肉片拼盘上放着一团棉花糖,奇特的摆盘让人联想到毛茸茸的羊羔。
※ 《美利奴涮涮锅美食指南》(Merino's Guide on How to Eat Shabu-Shabu):
Merino Shinjuku offers shabu shabu for the age of Instagram. Delicate shavings of lamb meat, topped with a cloud of cotton candy, give the impression of a fluffy sheep. This all-you-can-eat lamb shabu shabu set menu allows guests 2 hours to eat their fill (please note that this does not include extra drinks or desserts).
Merino Shinjuku offers shabu shabu for the age of Instagram. Delicate shavings of lamb meat, topped with a cloud of cotton candy, give the impression of a fluffy sheep. This all-you-can-eat lamb shabu shabu set menu allows guests 2 hours to eat their fill (please note that this does not include extra drinks or desserts).
Upgrade your all-you-can-eat lamb shabu-shabu course with this all-you-can-drink plan, which comes with 25 beverages to choose from! Guests will have 2 hours to finish the course (please note that this does not include extra dessert). The A-Rank Drink Plan includes highballs, sours, red and white wine, sweet potato and barley shochu, sake and assorted soft drinks.
Upgrade your all-you-can-eat lamb shabu-shabu course with this all-you-can-drink plan, which comes with 25 beverages to choose from! Guests will have 2 hours to finish the course (please note that this does not include extra dessert). The A-Rank Drink Plan includes highballs, sours, red and white wine, sweet potato and barley shochu, sake and assorted soft drinks.
美利奴新宿 营业时间
美利奴新宿 地址
160-0021 东京都新宿区歌舞伎町 1 丁目 6-3 石塚大厦 3 层
美利奴新宿 位置信息
从 JR 新宿站步行 3 分钟即可到达 Merino Shinjuku。
美利奴新宿 电话号码
美利奴新宿 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 48 小时 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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