Tendan 還以其提供的兩種主要肉類而聞名:沙朗牛排和肋眼卷。這兩種肉都取自牛背,標準的沙朗牛排具有熟悉的口感和風味。而肋眼卷(日語稱 "肋骨烤肉")則口感更軟,大理石紋理更細膩。Tendan 餐廳提供幾種不同的切割方式,店員也非常樂意幫助不熟悉的顧客找到自己的最愛。
有時,最喜歡的可能根本不是烤肉。玉穗式生牛肉是 Tendan 最受歡迎的菜品之一,無論是從肉的潔淨度還是從烹飪廚房的潔淨度來說,它都得到了權威機構的雙重安全認證。餐廳的聲譽不僅建立在肉的質量上,還建立在配菜上,尤其是京都白味噌燉湯和手工冷麪。
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef, the Omi Beef Omakase Course features Japan’s most famous beef prepared in various ways, from appetizers to the closing dishes. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for the Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef, the Omi Beef Omakase Course features Japan’s most famous beef prepared in various ways, from appetizers to the closing dishes. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for the Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef, the Omi Beef Omakase Course features Japan’s most famous beef prepared in various ways, from appetizers to the closing dishes. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for the Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for salt-grilled yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef, the Omi Beef Omakase Course features Japan’s most famous beef prepared in various ways, from appetizers to the closing dishes. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for the Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for salt-grilled yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef. The Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course does the already-luxurious Omi Beef Omakase Course one better by trading the filet steak for the most prized cut: Omi beef chateaubriand. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for the Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef. The Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course does the already-luxurious Omi Beef Omakase Course one better by trading the filet steak for the most prized cut: Omi beef chateaubriand. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for the Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef. The Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course does the already-luxurious Omi Beef Omakase Course one better by trading the filet steak for the most prized cut: Omi beef chateaubriand. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for the Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for salt-grilled yakiniku.
A 10-item course that comes highly recommended by the chef. The Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course does the already-luxurious Omi Beef Omakase Course one better by trading the filet steak for the most prized cut: Omi beef chateaubriand. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for the Specially Selected Omi Beef Omakase Course. Please refer to the other option for salt-grilled yakiniku.
A 10-item omakase course that uses the best domestic Japanese black kuroge wagyu beef selected from all over the country, as well as the vaunted Omi beef. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for this course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku. This course menu comes with one glass of Asahi Super Dry.
A 10-item omakase course that uses the best domestic Japanese black kuroge wagyu beef selected from all over the country, as well as the vaunted Omi beef. ※ This is the salt-grilled option for this course. Please refer to the other option for the Kyoto-style yakiniku. This course menu comes with one glass of Asahi Super Dry.
A 10-item omakase course that uses the best domestic Japanese black kuroge wagyu beef selected from all over the country, as well as the vaunted Omi beef. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for this course. Please refer to the other option for the salt-grilled yakiniku. This course menu comes with one glass of Asahi Super Dry.
A 10-item omakase course that uses the best domestic Japanese black kuroge wagyu beef selected from all over the country, as well as the vaunted Omi beef. ※ This is the Kyoto-style option for this course. Please refer to the other option for the salt-grilled yakiniku. This course menu comes with one glass of Asahi Super Dry.
天丹賽因 營業時間
天丹賽因 地址
615-0021 京都市右京區西院山造町 17 號京都犀牛酒店 B1F
天丹賽因 位置信息
從阪急京都線西院站向南步行 2 分鐘,或從京福電氣鐵道嵐山線西院站步行 7 分鐘,即可到達天壇西院。
天丹賽因 電話號碼
天丹賽因 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
我們致力於儘可能準確地提供關於日本食品和旅遊業的最新信息。如果您發現任何不準確之處,請發送報告 。
Yakiniku Toraji Kyoto
Yakiniku SEVEN
Umekoji Kyoto-nishi 站附近的 Yakiniku SEVEN 提供燒肉和雜碎佳肴。亮點是厚切牛舌與月見卡爾比。