Mahoroba Irori 位於沖繩的海濱首府那霸,是沖繩的一家大型分店,主要經營沖繩產的肉類,在鄉村風格的井式下沉爐上燒烤。
在沖繩這個悠閒的海濱城市,Mahoroba Irori Okinawa 的日式爐竈 "irori "散發着柔和溫暖的光芒,這是這座海濱城市多年未見的景象。
在日本古代,用石頭鋪成、裝滿灰燼、木炭或木柴的爐竈曾經是家庭取暖和照明的主要來源。當這些爐竈在大阪全城復興時,Mahoroba Irori 將這一傳統帶到了日本最南端的縣,其經營宗旨與旗艦店相同:爲伊呂裏的烹飪靈魂注入新的活力。
菜單一如既往地以在爐竈上方的鐵網上烹製的現代燒肉爲基礎,但同時也是爲了向沖繩的風土和傳統致敬。沖繩本地豬肉品種被稱爲 "阿古",本部牛肉產自綿延半島的本部町。
Seasonal vegetables, premium beef and Ise Akadori chicken sizzle above the glowing irori hearth in this delightful lunch course, which also features the renowned “Agu” pork breed native to Okinawa. But if plain proteins don’t excite, there’s also the seasonally tuned clay pot rice as a closing dish before the dessert. ※ The lunch course listed below is an excerpt from the restaurant’s dinner course.
Seasonal vegetables, premium beef and Ise Akadori chicken sizzle above the glowing irori hearth in this delightful lunch course, which also features the renowned “Agu” pork breed native to Okinawa. But if plain proteins don’t excite, there’s also the seasonally tuned clay pot rice as a closing dish before the dessert. ※ The lunch course listed below is an excerpt from the restaurant’s dinner course.
Experience a thrilling multi-course dinner featuring “umaimon” — tasty Japanese ingredients — sourced from all over Japan: Okinawa's Agu “Paitan” pork, Gifu's ayu sweetfish, Hokkaido scallops, Nagasaki sweet corn and so much more. Proteins and regional vegetables are expertly grilled and complemented by palate cleansers and various side dishes. The final dish of kuzu mochi is a Nara-special mochi made from kuzuko, a starch from the root of the kuzu plant. ※ Items listed below may vary depending ...
Experience a thrilling multi-course dinner featuring “umaimon” — tasty Japanese ingredients — sourced from all over Japan: Okinawa's Agu “Paitan” pork, Gifu's ayu sweetfish, Hokkaido scallops, Nagasaki sweet corn and so much more. Proteins and regional vegetables are expertly grilled and complemented by palate cleansers and various side dishes. The final dish of kuzu mochi is a Nara-special mochi made from kuzuko, a starch from the root of the kuzu plant. ※ Items listed below may vary depending ...
Fugu milt, spiny lobster tossed in chili sauce and beef fillet donburi (rice bowl) — this is Mahoroba Irori Okinawa’s elevated course featuring the best-market delicious ingredients from all over Japan. Diners can enjoy rustic-grilled seasonal vegetables along with Okinawan beef and pork in an old-world charm that only the irori hearths can provide.
Fugu milt, spiny lobster tossed in chili sauce and beef fillet donburi (rice bowl) — this is Mahoroba Irori Okinawa’s elevated course featuring the best-market delicious ingredients from all over Japan. Diners can enjoy rustic-grilled seasonal vegetables along with Okinawan beef and pork in an old-world charm that only the irori hearths can provide.
沖繩馬霍羅巴 營業時間
沖繩馬霍羅巴 電話號碼
沖繩馬霍羅巴 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
我們致力於儘可能準確地提供關於日本食品和旅遊業的最新信息。如果您發現任何不準確之處,請發送報告 。
ocean good table 石垣
在這家石垣餐廳,您可以品嚐到沖繩美食中鮮爲人知的一面,這裏提供的燒烤美食包括大理石紋的石垣和牛和阿古豬肉,後者非常罕見,因此被人們稱爲 "幽靈豬"。
Yakiniku 173 (Inami)
Horumonyaki Koei Shokuan-dori
USHIACHI 品川 - 港南出口分店
這家烤肉店在設計上借鑑了美國傳統地下酒吧的風格,可謂別具一格。Ushihachi 品川餐廳爲客人提供了一個放鬆身心的機會,讓他們可以盡情品嚐物美價廉的烤肉。