Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon
最典型的大阪壽司體驗。Kushikatsu Bon 採用最好的肉類、海鮮和時令蔬菜,獲得了《米其林指南》的認可。
大阪因其熱鬧的氛圍和美味的街頭小喫而聞名全日本,但很少有美食能像 "串燒 "一樣讓人如此滿足。"串燒 "是將肉類或蔬菜串成一口大小的小塊,油炸後呈金黃色。
要品嚐大阪最美味的食物,還有什麼比一家世界聞名的炸豬排餐廳更好的呢?Kushikatsu Bon 就位於大阪繁華的北新地(Kitashinchi)中心。不要被小店的規模所迷惑:店內燈光柔和,深色皮革裝飾,散發着純粹的優雅氣息。您可以在深色木質的櫃檯前就座,在這裏,顧客可以欣賞到神奇的表演。
餐廳的御饌套餐是最受歡迎的點餐,提供從日本各地採購的各種肉類、海鮮和美味時蔬。餐廳不僅在氛圍上提升了 Kushikatsu(壽喜鍋)的體驗,所用食材也是首屈一指,包括鵝肝和和牛。店內的貨架上擺放着各式各樣的飲品,每種飲品都是爲搭配 Kushikatsu Bon 的菜單而特別挑選的。
Kushikatsu Bon 的成功讓它遠赴法國巴黎,並在那裏獲得了《米其林指南》的認可,但在其發源地品嚐這種世界聞名的日本料理卻別有風味。
Enjoy a whole new expression of kushikatsu with this 16-skewer course menu. Indulge in the world’s top three delicacies, expertly deep-fried to perfection, alongside a palate cleanser and a seasonal rice set.
Enjoy a whole new expression of kushikatsu with this 16-skewer course menu. Indulge in the world’s top three delicacies, expertly deep-fried to perfection, alongside a palate cleanser and a seasonal rice set.
Savor 18 expertly deep-fried, skewered creations — the Kitashinchi Kushi Katsu Bon way — in this elevated course. The menu features kushikatsu crafted with the world’s top three delicacies, a palate cleanser, a seasonal rice set and desserts.
Savor 18 expertly deep-fried, skewered creations — the Kitashinchi Kushi Katsu Bon way — in this elevated course. The menu features kushikatsu crafted with the world’s top three delicacies, a palate cleanser, a seasonal rice set and desserts.
The ultimate course for kushikatsu enthusiasts, this generous 20-skewer menu highlights the world’s finest delicacies. It is complemented by seasonal vegetables, a palate cleanser, a rice set and desserts.
The ultimate course for kushikatsu enthusiasts, this generous 20-skewer menu highlights the world’s finest delicacies. It is complemented by seasonal vegetables, a palate cleanser, a rice set and desserts.
Elevate your meal from special to truly memorable with Kitashinchi Kushi Katsu Bon’s second anniversary plan. Dine at a beautifully arranged table adorned with flowers, and savor a customizable heartfelt message on your dessert plate. This course features a katsu sandwich in place of the rice set.
Elevate your meal from special to truly memorable with Kitashinchi Kushi Katsu Bon’s second anniversary plan. Dine at a beautifully arranged table adorned with flowers, and savor a customizable heartfelt message on your dessert plate. This course features a katsu sandwich in place of the rice set.
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 營業時間
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 地址
530-0003 大阪市北區堂島 1 丁目 3-16 瑪麗中心大廈 B1 樓
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 位置信息
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 距離北新地車站(Kitashinchi Station)有 3 分鐘步行路程。
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 電話號碼
Kitashinchi Kushikatsu Bon 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 48 小時 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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Miyazaki Sakaba Ebisu Lucua Barchica分店
位於大阪梅田的Miyazaki Sakaba以宮崎雞肉料理和正宗超人氣居酒屋氛圍著稱。