Mount Iwate Travel Guide

Mount Iwate
Iwate Prefecture’s tallest mountain, the famous Mount Fuji of the north, Mount Iwate makes for an entertaining climb with lovely views.

The peak of Iwate Prefecture’s highest mountain stands an impressive 2,038 meters high, winning it a spot among the country’s highest as well as its most beautiful. One of its aliases is Nambu Katafuji, or “the half-Fuji of the north,” on account of the fact that one of its slopes resembles the smooth sides of Japan’s most famous mountain.

It’s located in Towada-Hachimantai National Park, home to pristine forests, crystalline lakes, and fantastic hot springs. But of all the park’s attractions for lovers of the great outdoors, Mount Iwate stands out as the most impressive and adventurous.

The city of Takizawa is the best access point to the mountain, so from here go to the Umagaeshi Trailhead and take the Yanagisawa Course. You’ll find good facilities on the trail, such as small rest houses with bathrooms and overnight stays available. The climb won’t be particularly challenging for seasoned climbers, but at 3.5 hours each way you’d best leave plenty of time to conquer it!

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