Udatsu 寿司
※ 请注意,周三、周日和公共节假日,厨师 Udatsu 将不在餐厅。
此外,1 楼和 2 楼均设有柜台,但 Udatsu 主厨即使当天在工作,也不会亲自在 2 楼柜台制作寿司,敬请谅解。
但这正是米其林星级餐厅 Udatsu Sushi(宇达寿司)所擅长的。店主 Udatsu Hisashi 在他的职业生涯之初,从不相信用香草烹饪,认为香草太芳香,不符合他的口味。
一次对广岛梶谷农场(一家专门种植无农药香草的农场)的访问改变了他的想法。在那里,Udatsu 厨师品尝了一道用香草烹制的鱼,这次经历在他的脑海中开启了烹饪的无限可能。"他回忆说:"从那以后,我就不认为香草是'臭'的了。"从那时起,我就开始考虑用香草烹制时令鱼"。
就这样,他的招牌菜 "香草卷 "诞生了。"香草卷 "是一种制作精美的寿司卷,由海藻、鱼肉和香草组成,中间通常还会优雅地插上一枝鲜花。作为一道季节性菜肴,鱼和香草的精确组合会随着季节的变化而变化,前者是他每天早上从丰洲市场的供应商网络中亲自挑选的。
对细节的关注远不止于鱼。例如,餐厅的金光大米就来自东京的生产商,他们直接签约为餐厅制作大米。即使在收获之后,大米也会被特别保存在经过严格控制的湿度和温度下。然后用京都著名的 Iio Jozo 醋酿造厂生产的由三种大米混合而成的特制醋进行处理。寿司用鹿儿岛县产的浅草海藻包裹,然后蘸上餐厅特制的混合酱油,这种酱油混合了陈年米林、清酒以及东京近藤、和歌山堀川野村和丝岛三鹤酿造厂生产的三种酱油。
寿司的每个组成部分都经过精心制作,其本身几乎就是一件艺术品。因此,Udatsu Sushi 的核心主题是 "艺术 x 寿司",即在艺术画廊内开设寿司店,也就不足为奇了。
如果不是柜台上摆放着精美的寿司,这家中目黑餐厅几乎会被误认为是一家当代艺术画廊。餐厅的许多设计都借鉴了画廊的风格,比如光秃秃的混凝土墙壁和简单朴素的吉野柏柜台,使餐具更加引人注目。主厨 Udatsu 说:"寿司是厨师创作的艺术品,"他甚至用不同的盘子分别盛放夏季和冬季的寿司。
Udatsu Sushi(宇达寿司)的高级午餐选择。每天清晨,Udatsu 主厨都会亲自从丰州市场挑选最新鲜的鱼类,与其他多种优质食材搭配,在客人眼前制作出最上乘的寿司,展现出精湛的手艺。
Udatsu Sushi(宇达寿司)的高级午餐选择。每天清晨,Udatsu 主厨都会亲自从丰州市场挑选最新鲜的鱼类,与其他多种优质食材搭配,在客人眼前制作出最上乘的寿司,展现出精湛的手艺。
The standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A Wednesday-exclusive dining experience at Udatsu Sushi, set on the second floor. This special course is crafted by Chef Udatsu’s trusted protege, who selects the finest market-fresh fish from Toyosu Market and prepares each piece of sushi right before your eyes. ※ Please note that the menu may vary based on seasonal availability
A Wednesday-exclusive dining experience at Udatsu Sushi, set on the second floor. This special course is crafted by Chef Udatsu’s trusted protege, who selects the finest market-fresh fish from Toyosu Market and prepares each piece of sushi right before your eyes. ※ Please note that the menu may vary based on seasonal availability
A premium Wednesday-exclusive dinner course at Udatsu Sushi, offered on the second floor. Led by Chef Udatsu’s young and talented protege, this refined omakase experience highlights the finest market-fresh fish from Toyosu, prepared with precision and served right before diner’s eyes. ※ Please note that the menu may vary based on seasonal availability.
A premium Wednesday-exclusive dinner course at Udatsu Sushi, offered on the second floor. Led by Chef Udatsu’s young and talented protege, this refined omakase experience highlights the finest market-fresh fish from Toyosu, prepared with precision and served right before diner’s eyes. ※ Please note that the menu may vary based on seasonal availability.
A special price on Sundays and public holidays for the standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price on Sundays and public holidays for the standard dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price for Sundays and public holidays for the premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
A special price for Sundays and public holidays for the premium dinner option at Udatsu Sushi. Every morning, Chef Udatsu personally chooses the freshest fish from Toyosu Market, combining it with a slew of other premium ingredients to make the finest sushi before guests’ eyes in an expert display of craftsmanship. ※ While this is a dinner course, it is also available for lunch. Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Vegetarian sushi lovers rejoice. Chef Udatsu brings his innovative sushi-making techniques and ardent passion to an 18-course option of his vaunted sushi courses. ※ Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Vegetarian sushi lovers rejoice. Chef Udatsu brings his innovative sushi-making techniques and ardent passion to an 18-course option of his vaunted sushi courses. ※ Please note that the exact content is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Udatsu 寿司 营业时间
Udatsu 寿司 地址
153-0051 东京都目黑市上目黑 2 丁目 48-10
Udatsu 寿司 电话号码
Udatsu 寿司 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 48 小时 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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