说到 NOURA 的名字,有一点三种语言的幽默文字游戏。
Noura 是法国著名餐厅 HOMMAGE(法语意为 "感恩")的伴店,位于其姊妹店的后面,因此日语名为 "Hommage no ura "或 "Hommage 后面"。颇具讽刺意味的是,Noura 正是一家向其兄妹 "致敬 "的餐厅。
不过,Noura 餐厅的两位主厨在烹饪美食时却把玩笑话放在了一边。主厨松本良雄曾在多家餐厅接受过培训,其中包括法国烹饪圣地 Maison Decoret 和 Le Clos des Cimes。
与 Hommage 相比,Noura 在氛围和菜肴上都更偏向于轻松、休闲的法式料理,但与更高档的同类餐厅相比,Noura 的用餐体验绝不应该被贬低。为了强化这一点,Noura餐厅将米其林双星与令人垂涎的米其林Bib Gourmand相提并论。
2023 - Bib Gourmand
The beautiful brainchild of Chefs Matsumoto and Arai. A byFood-exclusive option, the Omakase Lunch Course shows precisely what magic can happen when two great culinary minds — each at the top of their cuisine — meet.
The beautiful brainchild of Chefs Matsumoto and Arai. A byFood-exclusive option, the Omakase Lunch Course shows precisely what magic can happen when two great culinary minds — each at the top of their cuisine — meet.
The beautiful brainchild of Chefs Matsumoto and Arai. A byFood-exclusive option, the Omakase Dinner Course shows precisely what magic can happen when two great culinary minds — each at the top of their cuisine — meet.
The beautiful brainchild of Chefs Matsumoto and Arai. A byFood-exclusive option, the Omakase Dinner Course shows precisely what magic can happen when two great culinary minds — each at the top of their cuisine — meet.
NOURA 营业时间
111-0032 东京台东区浅草 4 丁目 10-6
NOURA 电话号码
NOURA 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 48 小时 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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