Hiroshima Yagumo
Hiroshima Yagumo 正是秉承了这种民艺精神。虽然餐厅的外观是鲜明的单色,但内部却充满了传统日式装置,如暖帘、障子推拉门和深色木制家具。明治时期的艺术品,包括传统陶瓷和绘画,被有品位地摆放在台座上或悬挂在墙上。
与此同时,工作人员从头到脚都穿着和服,优雅地穿梭于各个房间,引领客人入座,并将菜肴送往厨房。在历史和文化的熏陶下,Yagumo 是您度过一个宁静、安逸的下午或夜晚的好去处。
熟悉日本料理的人可能对这家餐厅的招牌菜并不陌生,但它的名字却大相径庭:虽然与涮涮锅如出一辙,但在八云却被称为 "涮锅"(susugi-nabe),字面意思是 "洗净的火锅"。尽管八云是全美最早提供涮涮锅的餐厅之一,但当涮涮锅这个词被注册为商标后,八云不得不想出一个替代词--"susugi-nabe "由此诞生,源自将肉类和蔬菜放入汤中涮煮的 "漂洗 "动作。
Hiroshima Yagumo 的寿喜锅中的薄片肉来自日本最优质的品牌黑毛和牛,包括近江牛、松阪牛和神户牛--日本的三大 "名牛"。这些肉质鲜美的牛肉配上餐厅的招牌酱汁是最好不过的了,这种酱汁由芝麻、核桃和其他 10 种秘制配料混合在一起,经过 3 天的陈酿,味道更加浓郁。
Find out where it all began. The “susugi-nabe” shabu-shabu course is the signature course at Hiroshima Yagumo, and uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. It’s best enjoyed with the restaurant’s homemade sauce, which is made from a slew of secret ingredients and aged for three days to bring out the flavor.
Find out where it all began. The “susugi-nabe” shabu-shabu course is the signature course at Hiroshima Yagumo, and uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. It’s best enjoyed with the restaurant’s homemade sauce, which is made from a slew of secret ingredients and aged for three days to bring out the flavor.
While Yagumo's signature dish is its susugi-nabe, the restaurant's sukiyaki options are also highly popular. Just like the restaurant's susugi-nabe, the sukiyaki at Yagumo likewise uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. As is customary for sukiyaki, the staff recommend having it with a raw egg dip for extra richness.
While Yagumo's signature dish is its susugi-nabe, the restaurant's sukiyaki options are also highly popular. Just like the restaurant's susugi-nabe, the sukiyaki at Yagumo likewise uses some of the finest, premium-selected kuroge wagyu black beef from all across Japan. As is customary for sukiyaki, the staff recommend having it with a raw egg dip for extra richness.
Hiroshima Yagumo 营业时间
Hiroshima Yagumo 地址
730-0043 广岛市中区藤见町 4-9 广越总部大楼 1 层
Hiroshima Yagumo 电话号码
Hiroshima Yagumo 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 2 天 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
我们致力于尽可能准确地提供关于日本食品和旅游业的最新信息。如果您发现任何不准确之处,请发送报告 。
Shabu-Shabu Tsukada 涩谷 Scramble Square
Shabu Shabu "Let Us" Shibuya Center Gai
尽情享受独特的涮涮锅体验。用 8 种汤和 29 种令人垂涎欲滴的酱料打造属于自己的火锅冒险,享受个性化的盛宴。
Yakumo Nagarekawa
Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku
在最后一秒加入厚度仅为几毫米的鲣鱼片,Shabushabu Okaka Shinjuku 特制的鱼汤就会迸发出鲜亮的味道,与奶油黑豚涮肉完美搭配。