Hiroshi Inoue
The Kyoto Izakaya Food Adventure hosted by Hiro was absolutely fantastic! Hiro was our incredible guide who introduced us to delicious food in fantastic restaurants and walked us through amazing pl...閱讀更多
Our family of four had a fabulous time with Hiro on the food and walking tour. We enjoyed some Gyoza and sushi as well requested and then Hiro took us on an incredible walk around Gion with all th...閱讀更多
I’m so glad we went with Hiroshi through the market. We tasted more and learned more than we would have just walking through on our own. We did not leave the tour hungry. Hiroshi recommended a rest...閱讀更多
與當地導遊 Hiroshi 一起,遊覽錦市場!探索錦市場背後的文化底蘊,參觀各式各樣的店鋪,在品嘗美食的同時,了解頗具當地特色的漬物是如何製作的,然後喝上一杯清酒,盡情享受吧!
與您的導遊 Hirosh 一起,體驗京都的居酒屋、街頭小吃和夜生活!遊覽市中心和祗園等主要地區,參觀當地居酒屋和酒館,一路留下終身難忘的回憶。行程靈活!
加入 Hiroshi 私人訂製的清酒之旅,相約頂級清酒產地——伏見!參觀月桂冠大倉紀念館,了解清酒的歷史、文化和生產,品嘗飽含濃郁日本味道的當地清酒,為你的京都之旅增添一份色彩!