顾名思义,这家浅草餐厅的基石就是感激、钦佩和尊重。无论是对帮助他精益求精的大师们,还是对每天为他的厨房提供新鲜农产品、肉类和海鲜的供应商,以及最重要的是,对在他的餐桌前就座的客人,主厨 Arai Noboru 对把他带到今天这个位置的人们都充满了敬意--法语中的 "感谢"。
出生于浅草的 Arai 主厨在东京和法国完成学徒培训后,年仅 26 岁就在家乡开办了 Hommage 餐厅。他在日本烹饪界的飞速崛起也受到了《米其林指南》的关注:2012 年,他获得了自己的第一颗星,2018 年又获得了第二颗星,这使得他已经非常受欢迎的餐厅登上了日本所有烹饪出版物的头版头条。
但新井主厨拒绝让这些关注冲昏头脑。毕竟,正是对谦逊和感恩的执着让他取得了今天的成就,这也是他的菜肴的基石。他的法式料理不拘一格,将日本料理的精髓浓缩到最基本的部分,将食材的精华提炼成他所谓的 "真正的美味之美"。
2012-2017 - 米其林一星
2018-2024 - 米其林二星
The standard lunch course at HOMMAGE, providing an introduction to Chef Arai’s style of cuisine. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will accommodate such requests to the best of its ability.
The standard lunch course at HOMMAGE, providing an introduction to Chef Arai’s style of cuisine. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will accommodate such requests to the best of its ability.
Watch the unfettered mind of a two Michelin-starred chef at work. The Omakase Lunch Course leaves the content of diners’ entire lunch menu to Chef Arai, and whatever his brilliant culinary mind decides is best on the day itself, along with whatever seasonal ingredients are freshest. A premium option that is heavily in demand. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant w...
Watch the unfettered mind of a two Michelin-starred chef at work. The Omakase Lunch Course leaves the content of diners’ entire lunch menu to Chef Arai, and whatever his brilliant culinary mind decides is best on the day itself, along with whatever seasonal ingredients are freshest. A premium option that is heavily in demand. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant w...
The standard dinner option at HOMMAGE, for nighttime diners looking for a taste of Chef Arai’s style. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will accommodate such requests to the best of its ability.
The standard dinner option at HOMMAGE, for nighttime diners looking for a taste of Chef Arai’s style. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will accommodate such requests to the best of its ability.
Watch the unfettered mind of a two Michelin-starred chef at work. The Omakase Dinner Course leaves the content of diners’ entire dinner menu to Chef Arai, and whatever his brilliant culinary mind decides is best on the day itself, and whatever seasonal ingredients are freshest. A premium option that is heavily in demand. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will a...
Watch the unfettered mind of a two Michelin-starred chef at work. The Omakase Dinner Course leaves the content of diners’ entire dinner menu to Chef Arai, and whatever his brilliant culinary mind decides is best on the day itself, and whatever seasonal ingredients are freshest. A premium option that is heavily in demand. When making reservations, please inform the restaurant of individual diners’ dietary restrictions, such as shellfish allergies or vegetarian requirements. The restaurant will a...
致敬 营业时间
致敬 地址
日本东京台东区浅草 4-10-5 号(邮编 111-0032
致敬 位置信息
HOMMAGE 酒店距离东京地铁银座线浅草站步行 10 分钟。
致敬 电话号码
致敬 取消政策
至少在用餐开始时间 2 天 前取消预订,即可获得全额退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易费。
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