Sushi Mitsuyoshi 是新宿江戶前壽司界的新秀,擁有與一流壽司店相媲美的實力。這裏的主廚以專業的技藝和新鮮的食材烹製正宗的傳統江戶前壽司。根據季節的變化,菜單每月更換一次,廚師確保爲客人提供當時最新鮮、最應季的食材。
不過,Sushi Mitsuyoshi 發現,回頭客之所以再次光顧,除了壽司之外,還因爲這裏的飲品。標準菜單上有 10 種輪換的清酒可供選擇--新瀉的 Kakurei 是其中的佼佼者,此外還有幾種不同類型的國內外燒酒和威士忌,如 Black Nikka、Hakushu 和越來越罕見的 Yamazaki。鑑於三吉餐廳作爲慶祝特殊場合的餐廳而廣受歡迎,因此唐培裏儂香檳(Dom Perignon champagne)也總是供不應求。不過,常客們都知道要問 "隱藏菜單",那是餐廳祕密精選的極品國產清酒。
Sushi Mitsuyoshi 位於新宿站前的一條小巷中,步行只需三分鐘。餐廳的內部裝飾是傳統日式設計與現代建築的完美結合,別緻的黑色牆壁和地板與定製的木質椅子和淡雅的日式銀杏櫃檯形成鮮明對比。
An elegant 22-item combination of premium ingredients and impeccable skill. The counter-only omakase dinner course has the chef craft Edomae sushi out of a staggering variety of seafood, right before guests’ eyes. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a treat to themselves and their loved ones, he invites diners to relax at the counter as they enjoy excellent sushi. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
An elegant 22-item combination of premium ingredients and impeccable skill. The counter-only omakase dinner course has the chef craft Edomae sushi out of a staggering variety of seafood, right before guests’ eyes. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a treat to themselves and their loved ones, he invites diners to relax at the counter as they enjoy excellent sushi. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The chef pulls out all the stops for the Premium Sake Pairing Course menu, using the finest ingredients and utmost skill. With six glasses of premium sake to pair with each course, this is the modern Edomae sushi experience at its peak. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
The chef pulls out all the stops for the Premium Sake Pairing Course menu, using the finest ingredients and utmost skill. With six glasses of premium sake to pair with each course, this is the modern Edomae sushi experience at its peak. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Located in a special, secret section beneath Sushi Mitsuyoshi, the Bon Omakase Course is a more luxurious version of the regular Omakase Course, also a 22-item combination of quality ingredients and expert skill. The course has the chef craft Edomae sushi out of a staggering variety of seafood, right before guests’ eyes. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a treat to themselves and their loved ones, he invites diners to relax at the counter as they enjoy excellent sushi. ※ Please note th...
Located in a special, secret section beneath Sushi Mitsuyoshi, the Bon Omakase Course is a more luxurious version of the regular Omakase Course, also a 22-item combination of quality ingredients and expert skill. The course has the chef craft Edomae sushi out of a staggering variety of seafood, right before guests’ eyes. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a treat to themselves and their loved ones, he invites diners to relax at the counter as they enjoy excellent sushi. ※ Please note th...
Served in a special, secret section beneath Sushi Mitsuyoshi, this is the must-have course for the sake lover. The Bon Premium Sake Pairing Course has six glasses of premium sake to pair with each course, with ingredients with the quality to match. This is the modern Edomae sushi experience at its finest. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
Served in a special, secret section beneath Sushi Mitsuyoshi, this is the must-have course for the sake lover. The Bon Premium Sake Pairing Course has six glasses of premium sake to pair with each course, with ingredients with the quality to match. This is the modern Edomae sushi experience at its finest. ※ Please note that the exact content of the course menu is subject to change based on seasonal availability.
壽司三吉 營業時間
壽司三吉 地址
Roots Bld 1F, 1-chome-18-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
壽司三吉 位置信息
Sushi Mitsuyoshi 位於丸之內線新宿站 3 號出口,步行 3 分鐘即可到達。
壽司三吉 電話號碼
壽司三吉 取消政策
至少在用餐開始時間 48 小時 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
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