但在福岡著名餐廳六山亭(Rokusantei)的廚師手中,這種致命的魚卻變得完全無害。近 60 年來,Rokusantei 的持證廚師們一直在中洲店供應這種美味佳餚,一樓的櫃檯可以讓遊客親眼目睹他們的全部手藝。
河豚經過陳年以獲得最大的鮮味,然後以多種不同的方式烹製:炸成卡拉奇(Karaage)、生魚片、傳統火鍋--展示了這種多用途魚類的無常特性(和美味)。餐廳還提供從福岡北部玄界海捕獲的幾種當地美食,包括稀有而昂貴的長牙石斑魚(在九州稱爲 ara,在日本其他地方稱爲 kue),因其品質和稀有性而分別被稱爲 "魚中之王 "和 "頂級幻影魚"。Okoze 或魔鬼魚刺是菜單上另一個受歡迎的固定菜品,其怪異的外表掩蓋了其鮮甜的肉質。
Rokusantei 的經理 Mihara Eiichi 的使命是在全世界分享日本料理的優點。他希望通過 Rokusantei 不僅能讓外國遊客品嚐到美味的日本料理,還能讓他們明白日本料理的美味離不開大家的共同努力。
A course that highlights fugu’s deliciousness in various forms, from deep-fried karaage to sashimi to hotpot, supplemented with an abundance of seasonal ingredients. Enjoy to your heart’s content.
A course that highlights fugu’s deliciousness in various forms, from deep-fried karaage to sashimi to hotpot, supplemented with an abundance of seasonal ingredients. Enjoy to your heart’s content.
A course at Hakata Nakasu Rokusantei that has one of the rarest, most prized parts of the fugu pufferfish itself as the centerpiece: the milt.
A course at Hakata Nakasu Rokusantei that has one of the rarest, most prized parts of the fugu pufferfish itself as the centerpiece: the milt.
Notoriously ugly and famously delicious, the okoze devil stinger is a type of stonefish that dwells deep in the waters of the Sea of Japan. In season from spring to summer, the fish is prized by local gourmets for its exquisite flavor and texture — even more than the fugu pufferfish. This course lets visitors try the okoze in a number of different forms, from deep-fried to sashimi.
Notoriously ugly and famously delicious, the okoze devil stinger is a type of stonefish that dwells deep in the waters of the Sea of Japan. In season from spring to summer, the fish is prized by local gourmets for its exquisite flavor and texture — even more than the fugu pufferfish. This course lets visitors try the okoze in a number of different forms, from deep-fried to sashimi.
Fugu isn’t the only thing served at Rokusantei. The centerpiece of this course menu is the traditional “ara” (longtooth grouper) hotpot, often called the king of fish. Find out exactly how this deep-sea delicacy got its name.
Fugu isn’t the only thing served at Rokusantei. The centerpiece of this course menu is the traditional “ara” (longtooth grouper) hotpot, often called the king of fish. Find out exactly how this deep-sea delicacy got its name.
This course is for those who want to experience the longtooth grouper — ara — in all its forms. The fish is not valued just for its taste and texture, but also its extreme versatility. Try the king of fish in all its various forms, from two types of hotpot to deep-fried with its scales still on for that delightful crunch.
This course is for those who want to experience the longtooth grouper — ara — in all its forms. The fish is not valued just for its taste and texture, but also its extreme versatility. Try the king of fish in all its various forms, from two types of hotpot to deep-fried with its scales still on for that delightful crunch.
博多中洲六山亭 營業時間
博多中洲六山亭 地址
日本福岡市博多區中洲 4 丁目 5-3 號(郵編 810-0801
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至少在用餐開始時間 2 天 前取消預訂,即可獲得全額退款,但需扣除 3.2% 的交易費。
福岡是日本新興的美食之都,在 2014 年的《米其林指南》中被列入地圖,此後一直備受關注。在福岡旅行期間,您可以漫遊福岡的食品市場,在博多豚骨拉麪的發源地品嚐正宗的博多豚骨拉麪,還可以在雅泰街頭小喫攤上大飽口福!
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Maguro Ryori Kibun
Maguro Ryori Kibun 位於福岡博多。鐵火丼及金槍魚料理,獲獎海鮮讓人愛不釋口。
Kaki House Maruhachi
Kaki House Maruhachi 位於糸島,鰤鰩美食!距前原IC 30分鐘。