

2 reviews
Momoko likes to encourage people to live a life with handmade wagashi and matcha tea. It gives us a moment of joy during our busy daily lives. Momoko would be happy if she can help you experience this joy at her class.
Member since Apr 28, 2023
Raya Alkaabi
April 14, 2024
Finding location was difficult. As no clear instructions and details, But otherwise was a great experience. I always wanted to make nerikiri! The teacher speak English well amd instruction os more
February 29, 2024
It was my first time making wagashi, and I loved it! It’s now one of the things that I wanna keep doing, and explore other wagashi as well. Very fun and precious experience!
Cooking Classes

Nerikiri-Making and Matcha: the Flowers and Flavors of Japan

Use traditional wagashi molds to form delicate sweets in the form of Japan’s seasonal flowers while you sip hand-made matcha tea.

from ¥8,700 per guest - 3 hours
With matcha